Just Pictures
Benedek Varga
Publisher: Városháza Kiadó, 2020
Editor: László Sebestyén
Intro: Gabriella Uhl
72 pages
55 black and white photographs
20 x 20 cm
All rights reserved.
© Benedek Varga, 2020
© Városháza Kiadó, 2020
ISBN: 978-963-9669-61-1
Available in bookstores:
“A streetphotographer is an adventurer. A loner with acute powers of observation, ready to face challenges and takes part in ever new missions to explore and understand place and space.
Benedek Varga is an adventurous photographer who has chosen Budapest to be his field and since then he has had tireless, joyful, languid and sharp adventures in his beloved city. All his Budapest pictures radiate caring and understanding love, with which he turns to his subjects and reports about the city's life.
What is it like to be a pigeon in Budapest? Why is a metro station so sad? - we can obtain answers to these questions when we see Budapest through Benedek Varga's lens. […]
[…] The pictures of the photographer catch our attention - we are like curious children staring at the ceiling of a metro car. When we look at them they urge us to remember, to tell stories. As city dwellers we spend most of our time in public places and in-between places among others but feeling lonely. The sensitivity of a streetphotographer's snapshots directs our attention to metropolitan Budapest's spaces. Are there typical Pest or Buda people? What secrets do Budapesters have? - a lot of extruding questions which are answered by the street-photographer who observantly walks the streets. […]”